Two new websites have been added to the ones noted on this website. Both are informal sites on sub-domains (not dedicated domains, but full sites nonetheless. They fill in niches as offshoots of established websites – A Wildflower Journal and KamloopsTrails.
A Gardener’s Journal features articles on gardening, mostly from a practical point of view of trials, projects, and results from the home garden. After 52 years of gardening and much research, there is lots to share, but there will be an eclectic approach, not a complete gardening guide. Articles will feature plants, gardening practices, flower gardens, vegetable and herb gardens, sustainable practices, challenges, and opportunities.
On the Trails will feature images from various adventures, similar to Instagram. Instagram and Facebook are strong on widespread sharing, but very poor at shelf-life. Images and shared thoughts are gone, buried beneath other posts or unwanted content, sometimes within 5 minutes. This site will feature images about twice a week with added information and links.
Feeds are set up in widgets for easy access. You are invited to check out these websites.